This Death Star Cake was based on the LEGO Death Star. My daughter and I made this open Death Star Cake for my son’s 9th birthday. He loves LEGO and Star Wars.
This cake includes figure and scenes of:
–the Emperor’s throne with Emperor and Red Guard figures
–Obi Wan and Darth Vader fighting. Their lightsabers were candles which we lit when we sang Happy Birthday.
–the black conference table
–the tower guns
–Dred Priest figure (from Extended Star Wars Universe-one of my son’s favorite characters)
–Death Star Turbo Laser Dish
–Prison cell with Han Solo storm trooper figure
–Trash compactor with Luke Skywalker storm trooper figure, Princess Leia Organa figure, and trash compactor monster figure
–Imperial Shuttle with Storm Trooper figure
–Millennium Falcon with Chewbacca figure
–Darth Vader’s Tie Fighter
Additional posts will follow on how we made each figure and scene on the cake as well as recipes for the cakes.
Here is a list of the basic ingredients that went into the cake just to give you an idea of what was required to make the cake.
One batch for 2 layers of 9” by 2” cakes of devil food cake with cherries for the twelve inch layer
One and one half batches for 2 layers of 9” by 2” cakes of devil food cake for the fourteen inch layer
Two batches of Easy Cherry Cake for the 16 inch layer
Six batches of rolled fondant
Green, yellow, brown, blue, white, red, and black powdered food coloring
Green and Silver Luster Dust
Mini M&M’s
Mini vanilla wafers
Vanilla wafers
One batch of candy modeling clay
Five batches of Rice Krispies Treats
A lot of time to make each cake, figure, and scene piece.
Here’s more pictures of my son’s Death Star cake.