I was talking with Renae from https://www.10buckdinners.com/ the other day on Twitter about Chewbacca cakes, when I realized that I’d never seen a good Chewbacca cake. I went to Google and found many bad and very bad Chewbacca cakes. But, I also found a few gems.
I’ll start with the best first:
This wonderful cake comes from The Cake Store in London. If you live near London, you can order you own Chewbacca cake @ https://www.thecakestore.co.uk/acatalog/Star_Wars_Chewbacca_Cake.html
While different, I also really liked this cake
You can find more information about this cake and its companion Storm Trooper cake @ https://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=311591.0.
And here was the best 3-D Chewbacca I found
I found this cool cake @ https://corticalcafe.com/cakes.htm.
If you know of any other great Chewbacca cakes, leave me a comment and I’ll add it to this list.