This Marvelous Minion Dave Cake was made by My Sweet Obsession. The eyes, toothpick in the teeth, and sideways grin make a great expression. The detail of this character is incredible. There’s even a textured pattern in his overalls.
This Despicable Me character is leaning on a tall rectangular box present. The background is white. There is a rainbow of colors of vines of small hearts going up the box. Starting from the right, there are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet strings of hearts running up the box. There is a large white bow on top of the box. Dave is leaning on the present and his arm is resting on top. He is wearing goggles with gray rims and a black strap that goes around the back of his head.
Here is a top view of Dave. He is wearing black rubber gloves. His brown eyes are looking up. Dave's teeth and the toothpick he is holding can be seen.
Here is back view of Minion Dave. The stitching on the straps for the overalls can easily be seen. Black buttons are at the bottom of the straps to attach the straps to the rest of the blue jean overalls.