What do you get when you mix recipes, comics, and geeky humor? If you are Chris-Rachael Oseland (The Kitchen Overlord) and Tom Gordon, you get the greatest geek recipes ever. Don’t believe me, feast your eyes on the 10 recipes bellow.
Captain America’s Breakfast S.H.I.E.L.D.
Chris-Rachael and Tom are putting together an oversize full color cookbook featuring 50 of these illustrated recipes. BUT, THEY NEED YOUR HELP! Printing oversized and full color cookbooks cost a fortune, so Chris-Rachael and Tom have started the Kitchen Overlord Illustrated Geek Cookbook Kickstarter.
Cylon Raider Crescents
In addition to helping Chris-Rachael and Tom get their cookbook published, the Kitchen Overlord Illustrated Geek Cookbook Kickstarter includes tons of goodies. These goodies are everything from a hilarious Geoge Takei poster to a Cards Against Humanity expansion pack.
Sisko’s Speedy Gumbo
Eye of Sauron
Ghostbusters Stay-Puft Marshmallow Heads
Gizmo’s Popcorn Balls
Tony Stark’s Seductively Good Arc Reactor Pasta
1-Up Mushroom Pizza Rolls
Nightmare Preceding Your Winter Holiday Pinwheels of Madness. This was the very first Kitchen Overlord illustrated recipe I saw. I’ve been a fan of these recipes and Chris-Rachael Oseland ever since.
Roasted Tribbles?!
After Chris-Rachael Oseland gave me permission to reprint some of her and Tom’s recipes, the hardest part was picking just 10. There are too many great recipes!
There will be FOURTY more of these recipes included in the Kitchen Overlord Illustrated Geek Cookbook featuring Sherlock Holmes, HG Wells’ The Time Machine, The Princess Bride, Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Jurassic Park, The Walking Dead, Once Upon A Time, and dozens more.