This Marvelous Disney Frozen 21st Birthday Cake was made by Mandy Farmer of Cookies From Heaven to celebrate her daughter’s 21st birthday. The top of the cake has snow and ice and the bottom of the cake has flowers.
The top layer has a silver snowflake on top, surrounded by white snowflakes. On the second picture, Olaf replaces the silver snowflake. There are white snowflakes on the side of the cake and others coming out of the side of the cake. At the bottom of the layer are flowers. There are ice crystals coming up from the flowers which make me think of the world turning from Spring to a Winter Wonderland. The bottom of the layer has a scalloped border that looks like hills of snow and ice.
The second layer of the cake is white with white and silver snowflakes. There is a small scalloped decorative border at the bottom of this cake layer.
The next layer has the same color scheme as Queen Elsa’s coronation dress. The red hearts in the pattern remind me of the movie theme that love is the key. Elsa’s life is saved and she melts the ice and brings back spring because of love.
The bottom layer looks like the pattern on Anna’s winter dress. It is dark periwinkle blue with light blue plants and red flowers. There are red scallops at the bottom of the layer. There is a silver 21 at the center of the layer to represent the birthday age.
Olaf liked this cake so much he came for a visit.
In addition, check out these terrificFrozen cakes and cookies with Anna, Elsa, and Olaf.