Home » Superheroes » These Are A Few Of My Son’s Favorite Things

These Are A Few Of My Son’s Favorite Things

Superhero Cookies

I made these cookies for my son’s birthday. I wanted to make cookies to represent some of the things that he really likes. These Cookies feature Superman, Batman, Sherlock Holmes, a Rubix Cube, and a Ghost Cube.



Superman Cookie

We used to watch Superman: The Animated Series all the time together so I made this Superman Logo cookie. This Superman Cookie is blue with a red letter ’S’. The inside of the ’S’ is yellow. The symbol is outlined in black.


Batman Cookie

He is a big fan of Batman and even makes Batman voice impersonations from time to time. He and I enjoyed watching Batman: The Animated Series and the Batman movies together. To represent Batman, I made cookies with the Batman Logo. This Batman Cookie is black and yellow to show the Bat-Signal and the Batman Logo.


Sherlock Holmes Cookie

My son loves all things Sherlock Holmes. He is reading The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He really enjoys watching Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch, and Elementary. This Sherlock Cookie is black and yellow and represents the English residence of Sherlock Holmes. The top of the 221B Baker Street door is represented by this cookie. 


Ribix Cube Cookie

My son has spent many hours learning algorithms and solving Rubix Cubes. Here is a Rubix Cube Cookie with a yellow, black, and blue side.



Ghost Cube Cookie

My son enjoyed the Rubix Cube so much that he wanted more of a challenge and added the complexity of a Ghost Cube. This is a black and white Ghost Cube cookie.  The best way to describe a Ghost Cube is with pictures, because from the outside it looks like a stylish 3 by 3 Rubix Cube.

Here’s a picture of a black and white Ghost Cube:

Ghost Cube

When you move the pieces around, it looks like this:



Ghost Cube Scrambled Ghost Cube Mixed Up


The ghost cube is challenging to solve because there are misaligned layers, odd shaped pieces, and a single color scheme. The Ghost cube is made by Mefferts in Hong Kong. It was designed by Adam G. Cowan.


Ghost Cube Cookie

Here’s a black and yellow Ghost Cube.