This Marvelous Disney Princess Cake was made by Cake Studio Rouge. Snow White is by the wishing well on the very top of this three tiered birthday cake. The wishing well is the top cake layer. Jasmine is on a magic carpet in Agrabah on the middle cake layer, and Ariel is swimming in the sea on the bottom cake layer.
Snow White is dressed in her yellow and blue dress with red trim. She is standing beside the gray stone wishing well. A brown rabbit is sitting on the edge of the well. A brown deer fawn is standing beside the well. There is a brown and green vine with small yellow flowers on the well. I can just imagine her singing the song “I’m Wishing” and the Prince in turn singing “One Song” to her.
Jasmine from Aladdin is sitting on a Magic Carpet. Rajah the tiger and the blue Genie are beside her. The cityscape of Agrabah is painted on the cake layer behind her.
Ariel is swimming with her friend Flounder under the sea. I can just imagine Sebastian the crab nearby singing “Under The Sea”.
The sea waves were represented using multi-shaded blue ombre ruffles.
There are pieces of green seaweed and yellow coral in the sea near the Little Mermaid.