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Terrific Nightmare Before Christmas Wedding Cake

Nightmare Before Christmas Cake

This Terrific Nightmare Before Christmas Wedding Cake was made by Black Cherry Cake Company. This multi-tiered wedding cake has Jack Skellington and Sally on the top of the cake. The top layer is white with a black design on the side.

The middle layer is purple. Oogie Boogie is standing beside this layer.

The bottom layer of the cake is white with the Hanging Tree on the side. Zero is at the bottom.

The cake board is purple and matches the middle layer nicely.

Jack Skellington Cake

Sally and Jack Skellington are sitting on the top of this cake, smiling at each other. They are holding hands. The cake layer is white with a lot of tiny black spirals drawn all over the side of the cake. There is a purple flower at the base of this layer. It has a white skull in the center.

Nightmare Before Christmas Cake

This Hanging Tree lives in Halloween Town. He has a face on his trunk. Instead of leaves, he has skeletons hanging by nooses on his branches. He can walk around. Zero is on the cake board near him. There is a purple flower with a white skull in the middle on the other side.