Home » Roger Rabbit » Toontastic Roger Rabbit Cake

Toontastic Roger Rabbit Cake

Roger Rabbit Cake

This wonderful Roger Rabbit Cake was made by Mordida Mordida Pasteleria.  Daniela made this cake for Comicake 2015, a collaboration of bakers from Spain, Mexico and Argentina.  They got together to do something that they love. In addition to reading comics, now they can eat them too!

This is a three layer cake.  The bottom layer and cake board looks like the kitchen from Somethin’s Cookin, the Maroon Cartoon at the beginning of Roger Rabbit. The 2nd layer is a brick wall which looks like the one in the Acme Warehouse  The top layer is blue with a swirl pattern and the Roger Rabbit logo, so it looks like opening credits with the logo popping out.

Roger, Jessica, Benny the Cab, Baby Herman, the toon bullets, and barrels of dip are all on the cake.  I like how one barrel of dip has tipped over and is spilling down onto the 2nd layer.  I also really like how Benny has wheels on both the 1st and 2nd layer.  He is using his wheel lifts on one side so that he can touch both layers at once.


Jessica Rabbit Cake Topper

The top of the cake features the lovely Jessica Rabbit sitting on barrels of Dip.


Roger Rabbit Cake Topper

The 2nd layer looks like the brick wall from the Acme Warehouse and has Roger Rabbit breaking through it.  I love how the bricks looks like they are flying everywhere. 


Benny the Cab Cake Topper

“If you should ever need a ride, just stick out your thumb!”


Baby Herman Cake Topper

Baby Herman is sitting on the kitchen floor smoking a stogie, beside him are the six toon bullets.