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Marvelous Cinderella’s Castle Cake and Cupcakes

Disney Cinderella Castle Cake

This Marvelous Cinderella’s Castle Cake and Cupcakes were made by The Clever Little Cupcake Company. This Disney cake is absolutely Fabulous! 

The spires and roofs are blue and gold. The castle is white with grey doors in the front. There are two green potted trees on either side of the two doors. 

The cake board is green to represent grass. Gold letters in front of the castle say Happy Birthday.

The complimenting cupcakes have blue spools of thread and a yellow tape measure to represent when Cinderella and the mice were trying to make a dress. There orange pumpkins to represent the pumpkins that the Fairy Godmother used to make Cinderella’s carriage. The glass slipper represents Cinderella glass slippers.

The Clever Little Cupcake Company also made this Splendid Cinderella Carriage Cake for this Disney Princess birthday celebration.

Here’s another Great Cinderella Castle Cake.

Also, check out these wonderful Cinderella Cakes and Cookies.