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Splendid Daydreaming of Flying Cake

Dreaming Of Flying Cake

This Splendid Daydreaming of Flying Cake was made by Floren Bastante Sanchez from Dulces el Inflow.

This Splendid Daydreaming of Flying Cake was made for the Sweet Summer Collaboration which is a cake collaboration of more than 200 Cake Artists from around the world to celebrate summer in the sweetest way.

Daydreaming of Flying Cake

Here is Floren’s description of this Fabulous cake:

Hi I’m Floren Pretty “Sweets the Inflón” resident in Ciudad Real (Spain).
This is my piece made for the Sweet-Summer collaboration to which I have entitled “Alison’s Journey”. As every year when summer comes, Alison prepares to enjoy the summer holidays with his parents, but always with his suitcase, hat aviator and of course his wooden plane with the passing hours playing. His dream is to fly and someday even be able to fly the plane from his father.

Hola soy Floren Bastante de “Dulces el Inflón” residente en Ciudad Real (España).
Esta es mi pieza realizada para la colaboración Sweet-Summer a la que he titulado “El viaje de Alison”. Como cada año cuando llega el verano,Alison se prepara para disfrutar de las vacaciones de verano junto a sus padres,pero siempre acompañada de su maleta,gorro de aviador y por supuesto,su avión de madera con el que pasa horas jugando. Su sueño es volar y algún día incluso poder pilotar la avioneta de su padre.

Daydreaming of Flying Cake

Daydreaming of Flying Cake