This Splendid La Luna Cake was made by Rosa Guerra from Tartas Oh by Rosa.
This Splendid La Luna cake was made for the Sweet Summer Collaboration which is a cake collaboration of more than 200 Cake Artists from around the world to celebrate summer in the sweetest way.
Here is Rosa’s description of her Fabulous cake:
Recently, in a very special moment, I returned to see the short film “La Luna” by Enrico Casarosa, and it is so nice and so much message, I came straight to the heart …I tried to do an adaptation, with the sun as the protagonist and with the same characters, for me endearing. This time will not have to sweep stars, but will wait patiently for the sunrise, and the boy will be responsible for winding the new summer gear …
Partially painted with an airbrush and brush in hand. They are patterned fondant. It could be entirely edible, except for the ladder!
Hace poco, en un momento muy especial, volví a ver el corto “La Luna”, de Enrico Casarosa, y es tan bonito y con tanto mensaje, que me llegó directo al corazón… He intentado hacer una adaptación, con el sol como protagonista y con los mismos personajes, para mí entrañables. En esta ocasión no tendrán que barrer estrellas, sino que esperarán pacientemente la salida del sol, y el chico será el encargado de dar cuerda al engranaje del nuevo verano…
Pintada en parte con aerógrafo y en parte con pincel. Los modelados son de pasta de azúcar. Podría hacerse enteramente comestible ¡excepto la escalera!