Welcome to 31 Days of Geeky Pumpkins!
If you love pumpkins, I’ve got a treat for you! Every day in October, Between the Pages will be featuring a different Geeky Pumpkin. We’ve got beautiful hand painted pumpkins, sculptures made from multiple pumpkins, and pumpkin carvings that will blow your mind. Check back each day because we will be featuring everything from Dracula, cuddly Ewoks, Olaf, Star Wars, and even Space 1999.
Who better to scare away the monsters of Halloween than the Dark Knight!
This Terrific Batman Pumpkin Carvng was made by Dan Sz Art and Pumpkins. Batman is dressed in the costume he wore for The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight is written beneath the Bat Symbol in the sky behind his head.
More Batman Pumpkins