This Splendid Brazilian Guitar and Drums Cake was made by Verusca Walker in Sidney Australia.
This Splendid Brazilian Guitar and Drums Cake was made for the Music Around The World – Cake Notes Collaboration which is a cake collaboration that gathered forty-one cake and sugar artists from all over the world to celebrate the International Day of Music in the sweetest way. The collaboration covers cultural aspects of music made around the world, representing music genres and instruments from all over the world.
Here is Verusca’s bio:
Verusca Walker is a Brazilian born Artist who has been living in Australia for the past 17 years. With a background in Fine Art and Bakery studies, Verusca loves to mix mediums to create edible art that defy gravity. She is well known for her colourful and sparkly cakes and for her 3D cakes that appear very life-like. Her work as been featured on TV, radio, websites, blogs and numerous magazines like: Cake Masters UK and Australia Cake! She was the artist and the lead architect of the 2014 life size wedding cake chapel featured at the Melbourne Cake Bake & Sweets Show – where a couple won a competition to be married inside it! – And she also won the cake Challenge for LifeStyle Food Channel 2014 She is the Arts of Excellence for Satin Ice, Magic Colour and Kitchen Aid representative And as been on the judging panel for Cake Masters Award for the past 3 years Verusca also teaches online and have free tutorials on YouTube. With 15 year career and over 50.000 followers on Facebook Verusca Walker always make sure to connect with her followers and help with tips, tricks and feedback. Her passion for cake art and her fun personality makes her classes a must have experience. Verusca travels all over the world teaching the art of cake decorating and creative structures.
Verusca Walker é uma artista brasileira que tem estado a viver na Austrália nos últimos 17 anos. Com experiência em estudos de Belas artes e Pastelaria, Verusca gosta de misturar materiais para criar arte comestível que desafiam a gravidade. Ela é bem conhecida por seus bolos coloridos e brilhantes e para os seus bolos 3D que aparecem realistas. Seu trabalhofoi apresentado na TV, rádio, sites, blogs e inúmeras revistas como:Cake Masters UK e Australia Cake! Ela foi a artista eo arquiteto líder de 2014 a vida do casamento do tamanho capela bolo de destaque no Melbourne bolo Bake & Sweets Show – onde um casal ganhou uma competição para se casar dentro dela! – E ela também ganhou o Desafio de bolo para um Estilo de Vida Alimentos Canal 2014 Ela é Arts of Excellence for Satin Ice, repesentante da Magic Colour e Kitchen Aid. Foi membro do juri para os Cake Award Mestres nos últimos 3 anos. Verusca também ensina online e ter cursos gratuitos no YouTube. Com carreira de 15 anos e mais de 50.000 seguidores no Facebook Verusca Walker certifica-se sempre de se conectar com seus seguidores e ajudar com dicas, truques e feedback. Sua paixão pela arte do bolo e sua personalidade divertida faz suas aulas uma experiência a não perder. Verusca viaja por todo o mundo ensinando a arte da decoração do bolo e estruturas criativas.
Here is Verusca’s description of this Fabulous cake:
Cake is chocolate mud cake decorated with fondant and sugar figurines. The cake is 2ft long (60cm) by 50cm high.
Bolo é bolo de chocolate decorado com pata de açúcar e modelagens. O bolo tem 60cm de comprimento por 50 centímetros de altura.