These Splendid Disney Frozen Cakes were made by Kadi Fatiha Torta Designer. These 6 Frozen Cakes feature Olaf, Queen Elsa, and Princess Anna.
Princess Anna and Queen Elsa are hand painted onto this Superb Disney Frozen 5th Birthday Cake.
Olaf is dancing and singing on this cute Disney Frozen cake. The cake is white and covered in snowflakes. The number 29 represents the birthday age.
Queen Elsa is been hand-painted onto this Superb Disney Frozen cake. The birthday name is written is black letters on the cake board.
Queen Elsa is wearing her blue dress on this Disney Frozen cake.
Queen Elsa has been painted onto this Disney Frozen cake. An edible figure of Princess Anna is standing beside the cake. Olaf is standing on the other side of the cake.
This two-dimensional Olaf cake shows Olaf smiling.
In addition, check out these terrificFrozen cakes and cookies with Anna, Elsa, and Olaf.