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Terrific Frankenweenie Cake

Frankenweenie Cake 

This Terrific Frankenweenie Cake was made by Caz Clarke from Persnickety Cakes.   

This Fabulous Frankenweenie cake was made for the Cakeflix Collaboration which is a public international cake collaboration created by Isabel Tamargo with more than 300 pieces to make a tribute to the world of Movie Cinema and Television Series.


Frankenweenie Cake


Here is Caz’s description of this Fabulous cake:

Frankenweenie Who doesn`t love Tim Burton and the gothic world he conjures in his films? Sparky is from his stop-motion-animated film Frankenweenie released in 2012. If only we could live in a world where we didn`t have to say goodbye to our beloved pets. 


Frankenweenie Cake

Frankenweenie Cake