Home » Pumpkins » Wow! These Harry Potter vs. Lord Voldemort Pumpkin Carvings Will Blow Your Mind!

Wow! These Harry Potter vs. Lord Voldemort Pumpkin Carvings Will Blow Your Mind!

Harry Potter vs. Lord Voldemort Pumpkin Carvings

Wow! These five pumpkin carvings combine to make one gigantic image of Harry Potter vs. Lord Voldemort.  This was stunning sequence of pumpkins was created by ktownpark from instructables.


Harry Potter Pumpkin Carvings

 There is a step by step tutorial on how to make these amazing pumpkins.

This tutorial includes seven detailed steps: Make Your Stencils, Get Your Pumpkins Ready & Apply Your Stencils, Get Your Tools Together, Block Out Areas of Dark & Light, Continue Carving & Hollow Out the Pumpkin, Finish Carving in the Dark, & Enjoy Your Pumpkins!


Lord Voldemort Pumpkin Carvings

Harry Potter Pumpkin Carving

Lord Voldemort Pumpkin Carving

Harry Potter vs. Lord Voldemort Pumpkin Carvings