These brilliant cookies combining Moana and Lilo & Stitch were made by Jessie B. Custom Cookies. These were 1st birthday cookies made for a set of twins.
I’d never thought of combining Moana with Lilo & Stitch together and am surprised that I’ve never seen this pairing before. Jessie does four things which makes these cookies absolutely amazing.
First, Jessie’s use of color is wonderful. By repeating the same sea blue, red, green, brown, and white, these cookies blend together beautifully.
Second, most of the cookies are designed with a lovely Hawaiian theme so that they fit equally well with Moana and with Lilo & Stich.
Third, Jessie also makes cookies of baby Moana, Hei Hei, Maui, Lilo, & Stitch.
Fourth, I didn’t even notice this at first, but Jessie repeats her designs for these characters from the two movies. Both baby Moana and Lilo are on a rectangular cookie with a white background. Stitch and He Hei are both on round cookies.
These little touches make these cookies blend together into such an awesome set.
Here is a close-up of Jessie’s cute Stitch cookie.