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Marvelous Charlie Brown Ferris Wheel Cookie

Charlie Brown Ferris Wheel cookie
Charlie Brown Ferris Wheel Cookie

This cute Charlie Brown ferris wheel cookie features Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, Sally, Peppermint Patty, Marcie, Schroeder, and Snoopy.

This wonderful cookie structure was made by Komachi Cookie.

There are 6 buckets on this wheel and for simplicity, I’m going to refer to each bucket as a separate cookie. Even though they are all one structure, it makes sense to break it into cookie pieces to talk about it.

A Peppermint Patty cookie is the first one. She is wearing a green striped shirt and is smiling and waving.

A Sally cookie is the second one. She is screaming and afraid.

A Snoopy cookie is the third one. He’s playing it cool.

A Lucy cookie is the fourth one. She’s smiling.

A Linus cookie is the fifth one. He’s holding his blue blanket and sucking his thumb.

A Marcie cookie is the sixth one. She has her hands up in the air.

In addition, a Charlie Brown is sitting at the bottom of the ferris wheel cookie.  Schroeder and his piano are at the bottom opposite him. There are musical notes around him and the piano.

The bottom part of the ferris wheel is painted to look like Snoopy’s doghouse and has the word Snoopy written on it.

Here’s a picture of the cookie cutter used to make this.

Charlie Brown Ferris Wheel cookie cutter

Morevoer, take a look at these terrific Charlie Brown Cakes and Cookies.

Little Red Headed Girl Valentine’s Day Cookie Box