Home » Ghostbusters » Ghostbusters 6th Birthday Cake

Ghostbusters 6th Birthday Cake

This 6th birthday cake has the no ghosts logo on the front and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man on top
Ghostbusters 6th Birthday Cake

This Ghostbusters 6th Birthday Cake was made by Sweet Catering. This is a single tier cake. The cake itself is red, white and ectoplasm slime green. On of the front of the cake is the Ghostbusters’ no ghosts logo. The top of the cake has the top half of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. He is marshmallow white and wearing an old fashion sailors hat, bib and kerchief. The sailors hat has a blue band with the words Stay Puft in white. The hat also has a red tassel. The bib is blue and white. The kerchief is red.

This is such a cute cake!

Looking for more spooktacular Ghostbusters treats? Here are a few featuring the world’s sweet ghost.

This adorable Ghostbusters Wedding Cake Topper features the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. When he gets to the vows, does he say “I boo”?

Ghostbusters and Halloween are a perfect pair, so what could be cooler than a Marshmallow Man Pumpking Carving.

He also gets the spotlight in these cute birthday cookies. Someone needs to make marshmallow filled Stay Puft Marshmallow Man cookies.

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