I made these cookies for my niece’s baby shower. The couple are big fans of Baby Yoda and have named their little girl Rose. I made round cookies with pink royal icing roses and airbrushed leaves. Also, I hand-painted Baby Yoda cookies. The first one had the words Baby Rose above and below the pram. In addition, I painted a rose petal pattern on the second cookie. I like the textured effect of the royal icing.

Also, I made 2 additional Baby Yoda cookies with a pink pram.
I made a pink border to match the pink roses on the cookies.
Moreover, I designed a custom stencil for these cookies using Cricut Design Space. I divided the design into 2 stencils. I used the first stencil to airbrush on the leaves and frame. Next I used the 2nd stencil to make the pink royal icing roses and the word baby. I realized after I made the stencil that I had not bridged the letter B in Baby. This is why it does not have holes in the letter.
For more Baby Yoda:
Baby Yoda Chocolate covered apples
Baby Yoda Chocolate Covered Strawberries
I also made these Hand-painted Baby Yoda Cookies