This awesome Batman: The Animated Series Pumpkin was carved by Pop Culture Pumpkins. Since The Animated Series is my favorite version of Batman, I wanted to share this. The carving features a close-up of the animated version of Batman. He is swinging on a bat-rope. He has one hand out in front of him and the other hand is behind him and holding the rope. The air is blowing his cape up and back. So even though we’re seeing Batman from the front, you get a terrific view of his cape. To both sides of Batman are the Art Deco high rises of Gotham City. This is such a great image and a wonderful pumpkin.
Looking for more pumpkins featuring Batman’s friends and foes?
The detail on this Two-Face Pumpkin is absolutely stunning.
This 3-D Joker Pumpkin Carving is amazing.
I also really like Batman ’66, so I adore this Adam West’s Batman pumpkin.