This Donald Duck Halloween Cake is based on the 1952 Disney film called Trick or Treat which starred Donald Duck, his nephews, and Witch Hazel. A fondant Witch Hazel is standing over her cauldron at the top of the cake. The top tier of the cake is make to look like a fireplace and fondant figures of Heuy, Dewey, and Louie are dressed in ghost, devil, and witch costumes. Next, the bottom tier is made to look like a wooden fence. A fondant Donald Duck is in front. The bottom tier is surrounded by candy.
This wonderful cake was made byRick Zavala. The cake even lights up.
Here’s the fondant figure of one of the nephews dressed as a ghost with a pumpkin on his head.
Next, here’s the fondant figure of Huey dressed in a red devil costume.
Finally, here’s the fondant figure of Dewey wearing a witches hat costume.
Also here’s a fondant Donald Duck that has a look of disgust on his face.
This cake lights up to look like a lit fireplace.
Looking for more Disney Halloween treats?
This amazing cupcake tower features Donald once again as red devil, Mickey Mouse as Dracula, Minnie Mouse as a witch, Daisy Duck as a princess, Goofy as a mummy and Pluto as a skeleton.
Also, these Donald Duck Halloween costume cookiesfeature him in a red devil costume and a Jack-o-Lantern costume.
Instead of Donald, this Count Mickey Mouse Cake has Mickey popping out of a pumpkin. Why should Donald have all the fun?