These Tony the Tiger Cookies feature a royal icing Tony with the words You’re Grrreat. These are a terrific gift to let someone know you think they’re really terrific. These cookies were made by The Painted Pastry.
These cookies feature the mascot for Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes. He used to say. Put a tiger on your team with Kellog’s Sugar Frosted flakes. Good. They’re GREAT! He would always make G-r-r-r-e-a-t sound like a tiger roar.
The cookies are rectangles covered in white royal icing. Tony’s face was made using a combination of orange, black, and white royal icing for his face and stripes. Blue royal icing was used for his nose and red royal icing was used for his bandana. The people’s names are written in small letters on the red bandana. The letters You’re Greeeat are written in orange royal icing and outlined in black royal icing. Everything is outlined in black royal icing.
It’s a cute twist how these cookies use the Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes slogan and the Tony the Tiger mascot to tell someone they’re GREAT.
For more pop culture cookies: