Star Wars
Star Wars – 400+ cakes, cookes, cupcakes that feature characters and vehicles from the movies. This includes all treats that are not just one specific character.
There are a lot of cookies and cakes with many of the characters, droids, and ships.
There’s an impressive assortment of Star Destroyer cakes, X-wing Starfighter cakes, Imperial Shuttle cakes, Landspeeder cakes, a Snowspeeder cake,
There’s quite a few character cakes: even a Rancor cake and Jabba the Hutt cakes, Ewok cakes, and Darth Maul cakes and cookies.
Han Solo in carbonate makes a terrific cake too.
I love Star Wars and I love cakes. I really enjoyed making a 3-D sculpted R2-D2 cake, a 3-D sculpted Republic Gunship cake, a 3-D sculpted Dred Priest cake (red Mandalorian amour), and a 3-D LEGO Death Star cake and an R2-D2 cake.
There are so many terrific cakes and treats from a galaxy far far away that I made categories for specific characters and vehicles listed below:
AT-AT cakes & cookies & pumpkins
BB-8 cakes & cookies & pumpkins
Darth Vader cakes & cookies & pumpkins
Death Star cakes & cookies & pumpkins
Kylo Ren cake & cookies & pumpkins
Millennium Falcon cake & cookies & pumpkins
R2-D2 cakes & cookies & pumpkins
Stormtropper cakes & cookies & pumpkins
Yoda cakes & cookies & pumpkins
This wonderful BB-8 Piñata Cake was made by D’Sabroso Designer Cakes. It was made for a fifth birthday. The piñata is a ball decorated like BB-8’s body. It has the orange and silver circles on each side. On top of the body is a half circle which is BB-8’s head. It is white with silver […]
Star Wars Month: BB-8 Piñata Cake Read More »
These cute Star Wars Droid Cake Pops were made by Crumble and Co for a baby shower. They feature R2-D2, C-3PO & BB-8. The hand drawn details on BB-8 is wonderful. C-3PO’s face is terrific. I really like the shinny metallic gold used. Sometimes it can be hard getting a metallic gold without it coming
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This Chewbacca fruit pie has a wonderful pie crust version of Chewbacca. He is colored with different shades of brown. Behind him is a pie dough version of the view port of the Millennium Falcon. This wonderful pie was made by Nancy Baker. The view port beams and Chewbacca’s eyes and teeth were dusted in
Chewbacca Fruit Pie Read More »
This wonderful Princess Leia Pumpkin was carved by Pumpkin Muse. It features Princess Leia in her hooded white outfit from the beginning of A New Hope. Christy did a wonderful job with the carving and it bring back memories: I worked in a department store in high school and college. A month or two before
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