Star Wars
Star Wars – 400+ cakes, cookes, cupcakes that feature characters and vehicles from the movies. This includes all treats that are not just one specific character.
There are a lot of cookies and cakes with many of the characters, droids, and ships.
There’s an impressive assortment of Star Destroyer cakes, X-wing Starfighter cakes, Imperial Shuttle cakes, Landspeeder cakes, a Snowspeeder cake,
There’s quite a few character cakes: even a Rancor cake and Jabba the Hutt cakes, Ewok cakes, and Darth Maul cakes and cookies.
Han Solo in carbonate makes a terrific cake too.
I love Star Wars and I love cakes. I really enjoyed making a 3-D sculpted R2-D2 cake, a 3-D sculpted Republic Gunship cake, a 3-D sculpted Dred Priest cake (red Mandalorian amour), and a 3-D LEGO Death Star cake and an R2-D2 cake.
There are so many terrific cakes and treats from a galaxy far far away that I made categories for specific characters and vehicles listed below:
AT-AT cakes & cookies & pumpkins
BB-8 cakes & cookies & pumpkins
Darth Vader cakes & cookies & pumpkins
Death Star cakes & cookies & pumpkins
Kylo Ren cake & cookies & pumpkins
Millennium Falcon cake & cookies & pumpkins
R2-D2 cakes & cookies & pumpkins
Stormtropper cakes & cookies & pumpkins
Yoda cakes & cookies & pumpkins
These Mandalorian Chocolate Covered Strawberries feature The Mandalorian, Din Djarin and Grogu – Baby Yoda. This set of 12 strawberries is nicely color coordinated. Beside each character strawberry is a strawberry of the same basic color. For example, a tan chocolate covered strawberry with small light green lines matches the tan and green Baby Yoda, […]
Mandalorian Chocolate Covered Strawberries Read More »
These awesome Star Wars & Star Trek Mashup Cookies were made by Klickitat Street. I love Star Trek and Star Wars, so I think these are some of the coolest cookies I’ve ever seen. Spock would make a great Jedi. I can’t see Chekov as a Jedi. He never seemed disciplined enough. He’d go
Star Wars Month: Star Wars & Star Trek Mashup Cookies Read More »
Mommy’s Sandy Kitchen makes amazing cakesicles. When I saw these these Yoda & Darth Vader cakesicles paired with quotes, I had to share them. I love the creativity of sugar artists. Turning your photographs of cakesicles into motivational posters is such a cool idea. While Yoda’s quote is from Revenge of the Sith, I
Star Wars Month: Yoda & Darth Vader Cakesciles Read More »
These awesome Rogue One cookies feature Princess Leia, Darth Vader, Orson Krennic, Cassian Andor, K-2SO and Jyn Erso. These wonderful cookies were made by CREEative Cookies. Jyn Erso is dressed in black boots, black pants, a blue shirt and a brown vest. She is standing with her arms crossed and looking to one side. Cassian
Star Wars Month: Rogue One Cookies Read More »